A Love Affair with Self

My Lips. Excuse me, stay calm. There is no spice in what is about to unfold. The very first memory of my lips started with rejection. I was disappointed with how full they were. A frown would creep up whenever I saw their mirror reflection. I was barely 7 or 8 years old and felt […]

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Writing is a Fever Dream

Why do you write?  To record moments in life, tell a tale, or let lose some stray thoughts. What is that final thrust that spills, letting all of it flow, giving release and satisfaction? There are moments when your mind is as blank as the surface you are embedding on. The initial push is the

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Intimacy is Dead

Intimacy is dead. I am not talking about sex. People always confuse intimacy with sex when it is much more than that. The warmth and comfort we feel when we are with the people that matter, the physical contact of holding hands, a wholesome hug, or even a meaningful conversation, these intimate moments define us

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Reflections on a World Divided

As I reflect on the current situation of our planet, a mixture of melancholy and annoyance wells within me. The planet’s continued struggle with vexing problems like territorial disputes and the never-ending quest for fuel is discouraging, given its level of development and advancement. We can’t escape the clutches of corruption and greed; we’re trapped

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